Servicii Fulfillment Romania

De ce sa lucrezi cu noi

Am inceput din 2015 si putem sa spunem ca am trecut prin toate provocarile ce tin de logistica, iar acesta lucru ne face sa fim potriviti sa iti reprezentam partea de logistica a companiei tale.

Preturi imbatabile la transport;

Fara kilometrii suplimentari;

Retur Gratuit;

Livram cu succes deja un volum mare de comenzi pentru partenerii nostrii zilnic;

Facturam si emitem awb-uri in numele tau;

Ne implicam direct, consideram coletele ca fiind ale noastre personal;

Toate coletele pleaca la timp fara nicio scuza sau intarziere;

Ne ocupam de orice problema care apare in timpul livrarii, inclusiv in cazul in care clientul nu raspunde la telefon.

Cum Functioneaza

1. Primul pas este sa primim marfa de la tine si sa le sortam la noi pe raft. Vei avea acces la stoc in timp real, prin aplicatia noatra. Atunci cand se plaseaza o comanda pe site-ul tau, automat va aparea si la noi!

2. Echipa de call center confirma telefonic fiecare comanda inainte sa plece din depozit pentru a se asigura ca toate detaliile sunt corecte.

3. Odata confirmata comanda, o impachetam cu grija, asigurandu-ne ca produsele din interior nu se vor deteriora si lipim awb-ul!

4. Odata ce comanda a parasit depozitul este scanata si vei vedea in timp real ca aceasta a iesit din gestiune.

5. Mai mult decat atat, in cazul in care exista orice fel de probleme cu comanda, de orice natura, pe tot parcursul ei pana la client, echipa de la call center se va ocupa de rezolvarea ei.

Tot depozitul la tine in telefon!

Poti urmari la secunda de cat timp am avut nevoie sa confirmam comanda si sa o impachetam, din momentul in care aceasta a ajuns la noi!

Poti vedea cum a confirmat call-center-ul nostru comanda!

Ai acces la awb-uri vazand in timp real unde se afla comanda si cand va ajunge la client!

In cazul in care un client refuza comanda, call center-ul il va suna din nou pentru a afla motivul si a salva respectiva comanda;

Orice comanda nelivrata se va intoarce la depozitul nostru si va intra din nou in stoc.

Un demo al aplicatiei il gasiti aici!


Indiferent de platforma pe care îți desfășori afacerea, suntem pregătiți să îți oferim soluții personalizate. Integrările noastre acoperă o gamă largă de sisteme populare, precum platforme de comerț electronic, sisteme de gestionare a inventarului, sisteme de plăți și multe altele. Aceasta ne permite să ne adaptăm nevoilor tale specifice și să furnizăm o soluție perfectă pentru afacerea ta.

La nivel de platforme de ecommerce

La nivel de solutii de facturare automate

La nivel de curieri

Cine mai lucreaza cu noi

Avem clienti de ani de zile care s-au transformat deja in prieteni! Lucram cu site-uri de jucarii, edituri, bijuterii, haine, cosmetice, casa, animale, electronice, handmade... iar mai jos am rugat cativa clienti vechi sa ne spuna cateva cuvinte:


Noi avem undeva la 20-30 expeditii pe zi si cu toate ca avem niste cifre bunicele, am preferat sa nu investim in propriul depozit pentru ca efectiv ne costa mai mult decat sa externalizam. Lucrez cu Fulfilo din 2019 si voi lucra si de acum incolo pentru ca sunt oameni muncitori si seriosi!


Afacerea mea este una de comert online in care eu ma ocup singur de marketing. Daca as sta sa fac si colete nu mi-ar mai ramane timp de nimic! Am schimbat mai multe firme de fulfilment pentru ca foarte des coletele nu plecau la timp si nici nu stiam in timp real ce se intampla cu ele. La Fulfilo lucrurile sunt simple: ma loghez in aplicatie si vad mereu ce se intampla cu coletele! Sunt foarte multumit!


Cred ca cel mai mare avantaj, pe langa echipa foarte bine pregatita (atat la call center cat si la impachetare) este aplicatia care ne permite sa vedem in timp real tot ce se intampla cu marfa noastra. Felicitari! Pe mine una m-ati castigat pe termen lung!

De ce sa lucrezi cu noi

Am inceput din 2015 si putem sa spunem ca am trecut prin toate provocarile ce tin de logistica, iar acesta lucru ne face sa fim potriviti sa iti reprezentam partea de logistica a companiei tale.

Preturi imbatabile la transport;

Fara kilometrii suplimentari;

Retur Gratuit;

Livram cu succes deja un volum mare de comenzi pentru partenerii nostrii zilnic;

Facturam si emitem awb-uri in numele tau;

Ne implicam direct, consideram coletele ca fiind ale noastre personal;

Toate coletele pleaca la timp fara nicio scuza sau intarziere;

Ne ocupam de orice problema care apare in timpul livrarii, inclusiv in cazul in care clientul nu raspunde la telefon.

Cum Functioneaza

1. Primul pas este sa primim marfa de la tine si sa le sortam la noi pe raft. Vei avea acces la stoc in timp real, prin aplicatia noatra. Atunci cand se plaseaza o comanda pe site-ul tau, automat va aparea si la noi!

2. Echipa de call center confirma telefonic fiecare comanda inainte sa plece din depozit pentru a se asigura ca toate detaliile sunt corecte.

3. Odata confirmata comanda, o impachetam cu grija, asigurandu-ne ca produsele din interior nu se vor deteriora si lipim awb-ul!

4. Odata ce comanda a parasit depozitul este scanata si vei vedea in timp real ca aceasta a iesit din gestiune.

5. Mai mult decat atat, in cazul in care exista orice fel de probleme cu comanda, de orice natura, pe tot parcursul ei pana la client, echipa de la call center se va ocupa de rezolvarea ei.

Tot depozitul la tine in telefon!

Poti urmari la secunda de cat timp am avut nevoie sa confirmam comanda si sa o impachetam, din momentul in care aceasta a ajuns la noi!

Poti vedea cum a confirmat call-center-ul nostru comanda!

Ai acces la awb-uri vazand in timp real unde se afla comanda si cand va ajunge la client!

In cazul in care un client refuza comanda, call center-ul il va suna din nou pentru a afla motivul si a salva respectiva comanda;

Orice comanda nelivrata se va intoarce la depozitul nostru si va intra din nou in stoc.

Un demo al aplicatiei il gasiti aici!


Indiferent de platforma pe care îți desfășori afacerea, suntem pregătiți să îți oferim soluții personalizate. Integrările noastre acoperă o gamă largă de sisteme populare, precum platforme de comerț electronic, sisteme de gestionare a inventarului, sisteme de plăți și multe altele. Aceasta ne permite să ne adaptăm nevoilor tale specifice și să furnizăm o soluție perfectă pentru afacerea ta.

La nivel de platforme de ecommerce

La nivel de solutii de facturare automate

La nivel de curieri

Cine mai lucreaza cu noi

Avem clienti de ani de zile care s-au transformat deja in prieteni! Lucram cu site-uri de jucarii, edituri, bijuterii, haine, cosmetice, casa, animale, electronice, handmade... iar mai jos am rugat cativa clienti vechi sa ne spuna cateva cuvinte:


Noi avem undeva la 20-30 expeditii pe zi si cu toate ca avem niste cifre bunicele, am preferat sa nu investim in propriul depozit pentru ca efectiv ne costa mai mult decat sa externalizam. Lucrez cu Fulfilo din 2019 si voi lucra si de acum incolo pentru ca sunt oameni muncitori si seriosi!


Afacerea mea este una de comert online in care eu ma ocup singur de marketing. Daca as sta sa fac si colete nu mi-ar mai ramane timp de nimic! Am schimbat mai multe firme de fulfilment pentru ca foarte des coletele nu plecau la timp si nici nu stiam in timp real ce se intampla cu ele. La Fulfilo lucrurile sunt simple: ma loghez in aplicatie si vad mereu ce se intampla cu coletele! Sunt foarte multumit!


Cred ca cel mai mare avantaj, pe langa echipa foarte bine pregatita (atat la call center cat si la impachetare) este aplicatia care ne permite sa vedem in timp real tot ce se intampla cu marfa noastra. Felicitari! Pe mine una m-ati castigat pe termen lung!

Terms & Conditions

Through its content, this document makes the Regulations regarding the terms and conditions of using the website, available to third-party users.
The use of the site (including access, navigation and purchase of products from this site) constitutes an implicit agreement to respect the terms and conditions set out in the present document with all the effects and consequences arising from it.
The website administrator reserves the right to modify the content of this agreement, at any time, without prior notification to the persons using it, hereinafter referred to as "Users". Users will have permanent access to the terms and conditions of use of services, in order to be able to consult them at any time.
Site content and intellectual property rights
The content of this site may not be used, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, exposed, for any purposes other than those legally permitted. Extracting any information followed by any commercial use beyond the scope of the private copy regulated by law or for sale or licensing and without prior written consent of the property rights’ owners is a violation of the terms and conditions.

You also agree not to affect and interfere in any way with the security elements of the website, with the elements that prevent or restrict the use, the copying of content or elements that reinforce the limits of use of the site or its content.

Consumers' right to unilaterally terminate the contract
Please make sure that you have checked the product specifications and its compatibility by visiting the manufacturer's page before buying it. The commercial relations between the buyer and are officially regulated by the 130/2000 Government Ordinance, regarding consumer protection when concluding and executing remote contracts.

The consumer has the right to notify the merchant in writing about purchase renunciation, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 10 working days from receiving the product or, in the case of servicers rendered, from the contract conclusion.

The administrator makes permanent efforts to maintain the accuracy of the website information, but sometimes they may contain inaccuracies (product specifications or prices modified by the manufacturer without notice or corrupted by operating errors). Notice: the photos are informative and may contain accessories that are not included in the standard packages.

In order to access and use certain sections of the website it may be necessary to create a personal account. You hereby declare that you assume full responsibility for all and any of the activities performed through the account you open on the website and, as a consequence, we advise you to ensure the security of your password account or other access data. If the security of your account is compromised, you must immediately notify the site administrator. is not responsible for any damages that are caused to you or to third parties, of any kind, by unauthorized use of the account.

Applicable law
By using the website, the user agrees that the Romanian laws will govern the Terms and conditions of use and any dispute of any kind that may arise between users and Duoloss administrators or its associates/partners/affiliates. In the event of possible conflicts, they will try to resolve them amicably first, and if the amicable resolution will not be possible, the conflict will be resolved in court, according to Romanian laws.

Service availability
The administrator reserves the right to change the structure and interface of any page or subpage of the website at any time and any time frame, having the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue, in part or in whole, the services made available to the public through this website without any individual or general prior notification.

Delivery Time and Shipping Costs

Delivery times and shipping costs may be differ. On average, we deliver 2-6 working days from the moment you place the order. Goods are shipped within 48 hours after the invoice amount is credited to our account.

Delivery costs may change due to Couriers changing their pricing policies. Always check in your cart for the updated delivery price or delivery methods.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms of use, do not hesitate to contact us through the dedicated contact form or at the email address.

Data privacy policy

The website is owned and managed by FULFILO SRL, a Romanian legal entity, having its headquarters at Strada Dn1, nr16, Campina, Prahova, Romania, Romania registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/14120/2017, unique registration code/VAT ID RO38079282. In order to make the information easier to follow, you must know that we can refer to our company using the terms "FULFILO SRL", "us", "our" etc, and to you, as a user and visitor of the site, using the terms "user", "you", etc.

This policy describes the information we collect when you visit By using this website, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information (if provided) in accordance with this policy.

The site may contain links to and from other websites. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that they have their own privacy policies.

FULFILO SRL has no responsibility or liability for these policies or the way these websites manage their data. Please check these policies before submitting any personal information to these sites.

The collected information
If you use our site, we will collect and process the following personal data about you:

• Information collected through the cookies we use when you access our website. For more details, see cookie information.

• Information you provide to us when you fill out the contact form. The information you provide to us may include your name and email address.

• Information you provide to us when you fill out the order form. The information you provide to us may include your last name, first name, email address, phone number, delivery address, various sizes.

How we use or collect the personal data you provide

We may process your personal data if we have to carry out a contract following an order made by you; if we must comply with a legal obligation; when necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and for your interests, unless your fundamental rights prevail over those interests.

We process your personal information for various technical, administrative and operational reasons, such as to ensure that the content is presented in the most efficient manner for you and your computer; to improve our website, including its functionality; for our website administration; for internal operations, including the purposes of troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistics and research; for advertising and marketing, including specific marketing purposes, so that we provide content, including personalized content, that may be of greater interest to you; as well as part of our efforts to keep our website safe.

In some cases, we will process your personal data only with your consent. In these cases, we will ask for your consent separately, in a transparent manner, when providing your personal data to us. Subsequently, you may withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to However, the withdrawal of the consent will not affect the legality of any processing that took place before its withdrawal.
If we request personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, the provision of such personal data by you is mandatory. This means that, if such personal data is not provided, we will not be able to manage the contractual relations or comply with the obligations imposed on us.
We may also process your personal data, such as identification and contact data, for the purposes of the possible exercise of our rights or claims against you in the future. This processing is based on our legitimate interest, being necessary to exercise our rights in the event of any litigation.

Most commonly, we will use your personal data in the following ways:

• the personal data provided by you through the contact form will be used for the purpose of sending a response to your request. By submitting the request, you agree to your data being processed by FULFILO SRL

• the personal data provided by you through the order form will be used for processing your order. By placing an order, you agree to your data being processed by FULFILO SRL

• in the event of purchasing a product, the personal data provided by you through the order form will be used for the purpose of transmitting information on similar products marketed by FULFILO SRL. You can request to stop this information at any time by sending an e-mail at

• the technical information we collect through the use of cookies will be used for the purposes set out in the "Cookie information".

Location and storage time

The identity and contact details are stored on servers located in the European Union, for a period of 5 years from the moment of the request. If an order has been paid, the data regarding the tax invoice are kept according to the Romanian tax legislation for a period of 10 years, starting from the end of the financial year during which they were drawn up.

The information collected by the partners through cookies can be managed by servers located in the European Union or can be transferred outside the European Union. For more information, see Cookie Information.


International transfers

We make sure that we do not transfer your personal data outside the European Union if there is no adequate protection, including:

a decision on the suitability of the European Commission regarding the country or countries of destination;
a “Privacy Shield” type certification;
an approved code of conduct, along with the mandatory and enforceable commitments of the data operator or the person empowered by the data operator in the country outside the EU and the EEA;
an approved certification mechanism, along with the mandatory and enforceable commitment of the data operator or the person authorized by the data operator in a country outside the EU and the EEA to apply the appropriate guarantees; or
EU standard contract terms approved by the European Commission.
Our website uses Google Analytics, a tool for web analysis provided by Google.

Google Analytics uses cookie files to help a particular website analyze how you use that website. The information generated by the cookie files regarding your use of the website will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers that can be located in the EU, EEA and/or the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, developing reports on the website's activity and providing other services relating to the website's activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if it is legally required to do so, or if such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with other data held by Google.

Detailed information about Google and personal data protection (including how you can control information sent to Google) can be found at:

Access your personal data

You have the right to request a copy of the information held by us by submitting an access request. To request a copy of the data held about you or to update your information, contact FULFILO SRL at the e-mail address.

The personal data held by FULFILO SRL are subject to the conditions of the 679/2016 EU Regulation, which gives the data subjects the right of access to all types of registered information, held by the data operator, subject to certain limitations.

Rights of the person concerned

According to the GDPR 679/2016 Regulation, you have the right to request FULFILO SRL, as a personal data operator, to rectify, delete or restrict the processing of personal data relating to you.

The right to lodge a complaint with the Authority

According to the GDPR 679/2016 Regulation, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Conduct Authority in charge of Processing Personal Data, having its headquarters at 28-30 Gheorghe Magheru G-ral Boulevard, District 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, Romania.

More details can be found by visiting

Cookies policy

FULFILO SRL, a Romanian legal entity, having its headquarters at Strada Dn1, nr16, Campina, Prahova, Romania, Romania registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/14120/2017, unique registration code/VAT ID RO38079282, as a data operator sends you this Cookie Information to explain how we process and protect your personal data.

Please read this Cookie Information before having any interaction with our website.

This website uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. We also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners, which may be combined with other information that you have provided to these partners or that they have collected when using the services offered by them. The data stored by the cookies used on our website never shows personal information on which an individual identification can be established. By continuing to use our website you agree to our cookies policy.

A. What is a cookie file and what is it used for?
A cookie file is a small text file that is stored and/or read by your web browser on the hard disk or memory of the device used (for example: computer, laptop or smartphone) depending on the websites you visit. Also, cookies make your interaction with websites safer and faster, as they can remember your preferences (for example: authentication data, language used), stored information being read by the original website (first-party cookie) or to another website to which they belong to (third-party cookie), when you visit the website again using the same device.

B. How to control cookies

You may withdraw your consent regarding cookies at any time. For this purpose, you can block or delete cookies either through your web browser’s settings or by using software provided by third parties, or by following the specific instructions for the cookie categories in the following sections. In any case, you may experience problems with the use of certain parts of the website if you disable cookies.

If you want to remove the cookie files stored on your device and setting up your web browser to refuse cookies, you can use the preferences settings in your web browser. You can usually find your browsing settings for cookies in the "Options", "Tools" or "Preferences" menus of the web browser you use to access our website. Depending on your existing web browsers, various means may be used to disable cookies. To get more information, please visit your browser’s website:

Internet Explorer Settings - Internet Explorer;
Firefox Settings - Firefox;
Chrome Settings - Chrome;
Safari Settings - Safari;
Edge Settings - Edge;
Opera Settings - Opera.
To learn more about cookies, please visit for additional information on behavioral advertising and online privacy.

C. Existing cookie file types

Based on the function and purpose for which cookies are used, they are usually classified into the following categories:

Absolutely necessary cookie files allow you to browse a website and use its basic functions. Usually, they are installed only in response to the actions you perform which is equal to a service request. The legislation allows us to install cookies of this type on your device if these are strictly necessary to ensure website functioning. For details on the cookies used in this category, see the section Details on the cookies used.
Cookies for preferences are used to recognize you when you return to our website and allow us to offer you enhanced and more personalized features, such as reminding you of your preferences. These cookies collect anonymous information and cannot track your browsing on other websites. For details on the cookies used in this category, see the section Details on the cookies used.
Statistical and performance cookie files allow us to recognize and count users and collect information on how the website is used (for example: the pages a user most often opens and if the user receives error messages from certain pages). This helps us improve the way our website works, ensuring that you can easily find what you are looking for. For details on the cookies used in this category, see the section Details on the cookies used.
Cookies for marketing and identifying the target audience record your visit to our website, the pages you visited and the links you accessed. We use this information to provide ads that are more relevant to you and your interests. At the same time, they are used to limit how often you can see an ad and help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaigns. Also, for the same purpose, we may share this information with third parties (for example: external service providers). For details on the cookies used in this category, see the section Details on the cookies used.
Other types of cookie files that can be used later. We will inform you by updating this information if we use any other types of cookies.
Details on the cookies used:

Cookie type

Cookie name









1 day

1 day

Data is sent to: Germany (adequate)




1 day

Data is sent to: USA (adequate)

Statistics and performance



2 years



1 day

Data is sent to: Germany (adequate)



1 day

Data is sent to: Germany (adequate)




Data is sent to: USA (adequate)

At this time, we make every effort to ensure that this is a complete list of all cookies used on the website and we want to keep this Cookie Information updated. We invite you to visit this page from time to time, to be aware of the changes we are making. However, there may be occasions when the list will be incomplete or out of date.

If you need confirmation on the cookies used by us, please contact us at

Conditii retur

In cazul in care nu sunteti multumiti de produs sau doriti sa-l schimbati din alte motive, acestea sunt conditiile de retur:
Expediere prin orice firma de curierat din Romania (NU COLABORAM CU POSTA ROMANA) la adresa: Strada Dn1, nr16, Campina, Prahova, Romania, Romania tel 0768 724 724, cu taxele de livrare platite de expeditor (client), ramburs 0.

* expedierea trebuie realizata in primele 30 de zile de la data primirii coletului.
** nu pot fi trimise produsele ale caror sigiliu a fost indepartat si/sau produsele au fost folosite.
*** in cazul in care produsele au ajuns deteriorate la adresa dvs din cauza transportului (sau alte motive care nu tin de client) inlocuirea va fi gratuita.

Din momentul in care coletul ajunge in depozit se analizeaza situatia si se restituie banii intr-un cont bancar furnizat de client, in termen de 3-5 zile lucratoare.